
Survivor-Centred Visual Narratives

The Survivor-Centred Visual Narratives project proposes a new, arts-based way of gathering and commemorating the experiences of genocide and mass atrocity survivors, one that places survivors’ well-being, agency, and cooperation at its centre. Our purpose is not to develop a blueprint for testimony collection but instead to restore agency to survivor narratives.

We are committed to creating and upholding a collaborative space within the SCVN project. This means that although we celebrate the knowledge and skill that every individual brings to the project, we recognize the importance of placing each graphic novel, documentary film, exhibition, and lecture into the context of the broader SCVN community. When we speak of our work, we speak of everyone’s work, because without this collaboration the project could not exist.

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Witnesses of Violence: Stories of Genocide Survivors in Graphic Novels

“Our perspectives of the past are largely shaped by the stories of those who experienced it.” On May 28, 2024 a panel of researchers, artists, and witnesses will gather to reflect on the ways in which graphic novels can be used to gather stories violence and genocide. These stories are not universal or encompassing of […]

‘But I Live’ at the Ravensbrück Memorial

From April 13 to July 31, 2024 the Ravensbrück Memorial is hosting an exhibition of ‘But I Live. Three Stories of Child Survivors of the Holocaust’ in cooperation with the International Comic Salon Erlangen and the Stadtmuseum Erlangen. ‘But I Live’ (2022) edited by SCVN Co-Director Charlotte Schallié was an important publication because of the […]

Gathering Memories in Trauma-Informed Storytelling

On March 20, 2024 join SCVN co-director Charlotte Schallié and illustrator Barbara Yelin for the next instalment of the Art & Testimony webinar series. In this webinar session, Barbara Yelin will discuss her collaborative memory work with Holocaust child survivor Emmie Arbel for ‘But I Live’ (2022) and ‘Emmie Arbel. The Colour of Memory’ (2023). […]


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