Our Vision

Our Vision

We would like to acknowledge that these are heartbreaking times. We are grieving and many of us are scared and upset. Within our project, it is our first priority to take care of one another and hold space for dialogue and compassion. Our aim is to focus on what unites us: our common humanity. We are deeply committed to listening to each other with empathy, dignity, and respect. We have been reaching out to colleagues, artists, and community partners who have family, loved ones, and/or project partners impacted by the Israel/Hamas war. If we missed reaching out to you, it is not a sign of neglect or disrespect.

Please connect with us and let us know how we can be here for you – you are not alone.

Contact: Charlotte Schallié at [email protected]

The SCVN project is an international research collaboration that seeks to uplift the stories of individual survivors of genocide and mass atrocity. We rely on arts-based methods such as drawing and documentary film to guide us through this work in a way that prioritizes relationships and care.


Stories have the power to connect us and to remind us of the experiences we hold in common. The SCVN project is grounded in drawing and graphic novels as a means of sharing stories, forming better relationships between researchers and survivors, and developing empathy in our communities.

Miriam Libicki sketching some drawings on a notebook with a black pen and some watercolour paint brushes on the left.


The circular leadership structure of the SCVN project prioritizes collaboration. As the project unfolds over the next several years, the various committees overseeing key aspects of the work will be formed from the international and interdisciplinary scholars who have joined together to make this project a reality.


The international scope of the SCVN project provides the opportunity to collaborate with and learn from scholars, artists, and survivors all over the world. We are committed to working together, despite the challenges many of our team members are facing.

A graphic novel may not save the world, but when we continue to sit down together, to listen, and to learn, we can shape space for stronger communities to emerge.

Survivor-Centred Visual Narratives is an international project funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada under the title “Visual Storytelling and Graphic Art in Genocide and Human Rights Education” (SSHRC Partnership Grant #1154242; 2022-2029).


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