

Al-Fazia افلظ یع – the Horror: Surviving Assad’s Prisons




Tobi Dahmen


Research Cluster Co-Lead: Uğur Ümit Üngör (PhD)
Researcher: Kees Ribbens
Community Liaison: Leyla Ferman (Women for Justice)
Film Director & Photographer: Lidija Zelović
Assistant Filmmaker:
Susan Koenen

Additional Funding

Government of the Netherlands – Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport


In February 2023, Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies at NIOD, Uğur Ümit Üngör, introduced Syrian survivor Akram to our project team. Üngör has worked with Akram for many years, as his unique story of surviving a series of Syrian prisons is featured and mentioned in the book Syrian Gulag: Inside Assad’s Prison System (London: I.B. Tauris, 2023). They met with graphic artist Tobi Dahmen in the Dutch cities of The Hague, Utrecht, and Amsterdam, allowing Tobi and Akram to connect and get to know each other within the project. As the Netherlands is small country with short distances, Tobi and Akram were able to meet quickly, in a rapid series of interviews, both at their home residences and at various cafés.

Beginning Conversations

Akram, Uğur, and Tobi were filmed in conversation at the NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies in Amsterdam and a local coffee shop in November of 2023.

The photographs in this carousel were taken by Susan Koenen and Tobi Dahmen.

Documentary Film - Coming Soon

Filming the documentary happened at the NIOD Institute in Amsterdam, where Tobi, Akram, and Uğur met on November 21, 2023. Documentary maker Lidija Zelović filmed an interview between Uğur and Akram, with Tobi drawing sketches and Susan Koenen taking photos. We were very fortunate that Tobi and Akram had already established a close relationship, and Uğur’s two-decade friendship with Lidija facilitated the group to spend time together, while the camera was running. Akram spoke of his childhood growing up in Damascus and visiting his grandfather’s farm in a village near the eastern Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor. He recounted how regional, class, sectarian, and ethnic differences were not a problem in and of themselves, but were mobilized by the Assad regime in a complex interplay of cooptation of supporters and coercion against potential dissidents. Part of that coercion was the Assad regime’s vast system of arrest, imprisonment, and torture.

Putting the methodology to the test

In April 2024, Uğur Ümit Üngör and Peter Klein (University of British Columbia) joined us for a conversation about the challenges of visual communication as part of our Art and Testimony webinar series hosted by the University of British Columbia’s Public Humanities Hub.

When is the camera a tool of violence? How can the creation of graphic novels uphold the agency of the survivor and what does this look like in practice? These questions guide the ongoing work of the Research Cluster’s focus on Syria.

Connecting in Amsterdam

On May 28, 2024, Tobi Dahmen, Charlotte Schallié, Akram al-Saud, Leyla Ferman, Kees Ribbens and Uğur Ümit Üngör gathered in person at the NIOD Institute for a panel discussion on “Witnesses of Violence: Stories of Genocide Survivors in Graphic Novels”.  The researchers, artists, and witnesses gathered to reflect on the ways in which graphic novels can be used to gather stories about violence and genocide. These stories are not universal or encompassing of every detail of these atrocities, but rather they present the individual narratives of those who survived them.

Graphic Novel

The graphic novel is well underway, and Tobi has been working closely with Akram to compose the first storyboard.

We look forward to sharing some updates and illustrations soon!


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