
In June of 2023, artist Miriam Libicki travelled to Toronto, Ontario to meet with survivor Rose Lipszyc and interview her about her life and experiences during Holocaust for the graphic novel. They were joined by Research Cluster Lead Mark Celinscak (PhD), who assisted with facilitation and testimony collection, and director Chorong Kim who filmed and photographed the interviews with assistant Skyler Kim.
At present, Miriam is in the process of creating the graphic novel, with transcription and support from MA student Jessica Botts from the University of Nebraska at Omaha, and Chorong Kim is editing the footage from the Toronto trip into the 10-minute documentary. We look forward to sharing more soon!
Rose Lipszyc
Miriam Libicki
Research Cluster Leads:
Mark Celinscak (PhD)
Charlotte Schallié (PhD)
Research Assistant: Jessica Botts
Community Liaison:
Devora Levin, Carson Phillips & Arielle Berger (Azrieli Foundation)
Film Director & Photographer: Chorong Kim
Assistant Filmmaker: Skyler Kim
Conversations with Rose
June 11 - 15, 2023
Miriam and the documentary team spent four days with Rose, focusing on research conversations for only half of the day. The remaining time was spent getting to know Rose through her memorabilia, her daily routines, and generous hospitality. The conversations took place in Rose’s condo with Miriam and Mark, as she welcomed our small documentary team into her home.

Rose discusses with Miriam and Mark her experiences in Holocaust education. She showed the team digital photographs of her life and told us about receiving the Order of Canada in 2021.

Top left: Miriam and Rose go for a walk to refresh after an interview.
Top right: Rose tells the team stories over coffee and pastries in her kitchen.
Right: Miriam’s initial sketches of Rose over time.

Documentary Film
coming soon…
In early June, award-winning artist, Miriam Libicki, and historian Mark Celinscak travelled to Toronto to work with Holocaust survivor Rose Lipszyc. The week-long sessions involved testimony collection for the next graphic narrative in the series. Rose told her story of survival in Poland and Germany, shared photographs and other mementos, and discussed her many years working in Holocaust education. The sessions were filmed and photographed by Chorong Kim who is producing a short documentary film about Rose’s life and the process of creating this new graphic novel. We are grateful to Devora Levin of the Azrieli Foundation for her help coordinating the interviews and for being our trusted community liaison. We look forward to sharing the documentary film in early 2024!
This video is a placeholder while Rose’s documentary is being produced. The one-minute trailer is from Miriam’s previous project work in January 2020, with Holocaust survivor David Schaffer to create the graphic novel “If We Had Followed the Rules, I Wouldn’t Be Here.”