Gathering Memories in Trauma-Informed Storytelling
On March 20, 2024 join SCVN co-director Charlotte Schallié and illustrator Barbara Yelin for the next instalment of the Art & Testimony webinar series.

In this webinar session, Barbara Yelin will discuss her collaborative memory work with Holocaust child survivor Emmie Arbel for ‘But I Live’ (2022) and ‘Emmie Arbel. The Colour of Memory’ (2023). In conversation with Charlotte Schallié, Barbara Yelin will reflect on how drawing can be used as a language to gather memories in trauma-informed storytelling. Yelin and Schallié will explore how the relationships they have formed with Emmie and with the research team guide the work and yield many insights, including the importance of emotion and subjectivity in witnessing survivor-centred testimony sharing. Yelin will begin with a reading from select pages of ‘The Colour of Memory’, grounding the conversation in Emmie’s story and the visual arts-based methodology of the Survivor-Centred Visual Narratives (SCVN) project.
Hosted by Dr. Andrea Webb, Associate Professor of Teaching, UBC Curriculum & Pedagogy.
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
1:00-2:30 PM Pacific Time
Online via Zoom
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